Solutions & Experties

Treadtronics Engineering supplies a large range of electronic components including resistors, power supplies, and circuits. Our team of experts offers exceptional assistance to help you discover products that exceed your requirements.

Powerful Management of Obsolescence

Treadtronics Engineering has been collaborating with customers for over 10 years to evaluate the complexities of their regular sourcing stream. Our team of experts sources premium electronic components for an organic changing market, allowing you to solve difficulties and keep your Business Strategy.
Established in Karachi, Pakistan Treadtronics Engineering is a renowned global supplier launched in 2014. With over 10 years of working experience in the electronics industry. Treadtronics Engineering earned an excellent track record for our loyal customers with superior assistance and guidance.
Our primary goal is to provide many services and products to control the current hardware electronic distribution. These include seller combination, developing contracts, quick testing, inventory management, and enhanced installation support skillfully embedded into the component.

Make sure that you get reliable and trustworthy data on outdated devices, depending on the most accurate repository of electrical components in your company. Inspect sourcing details and information records for each component in just one click

Our commitment to accuracy includes all phases of a product lifecycle, from design to end-of-life maintenance ensuring ongoing reliability and client satisfaction.

Supplier intelligence immediately informs you of modifications in product availability and material quality while constantly tracking a massive parts database. Utilising these alerts clients can optimize their lead time while deciding to make a last-minute purchase. Our expert engineers provide alternative components, suppliers, and manufacturers on time.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Businesses awarded government deals are directed by government guidelines to invest in several tools to supervise expired components. Make sure to utilize our innovative platform for tackling information gaps.

Sustainable Production

Figure out how you could be subjected to suppliers that abuse human rights, obtain minerals used in conflicts, and other possible hazardous areas.

Widgets extinction

Acknowledge prior notification of items that might become outdated so that alternatives can be identified on time, avoiding unnecessary delays in production.

Product consistency

Analyze issues with ease to ensure that each component, device, and provider complies with fundamental standards of compliance


Avoid unnecessary production delays by receiving early warning of parts at risk of obsolescence with plenty of time to identify replacements.

Powerful Management of Obsolescence

10 years of experience, extensive audit guidelines, and industrial qualification from Treadtronics Engineering guarantee the efficiency and authenticity of our components. Treadtronics Engineering is the fastest-growing company that guarantees to ensure that the parts we supply are in form, fit, and functional.

We have ownership of thousands of devices using our special trading platform. Treadtronics Engineering motivated by statistical analysis. Our professional team can provide real-time prices 24/7 while delivering at an efficiency not witnessed prior to our trustworthy sourcing strategy platform

Automated product change notice & end-of-life alerts

Anticipate product life cycle risks

Identify and fill BOMs data gaps

Perform health projections

Utilize our best-in-industry parts database

Let’s work


Please contact us if you have any specific idea or request.




:   021-34012867


:   House No. B 387/B, Block-14,

Gulistan e Jauhar, Postal  

Code-75290, Karachi, Pakistan

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